STANCE for Competitive Exams

STANCE - STrAtegic meNtoring for Competitive Examinations 

Are you ready to take on competitive examinations like IIT JEE, NEET, IAS, GATE?  Do you know understanding the subject, content, is not sufficient to crack.  

IIT JEE is one of the toughest Exam in the World. The exam witnesses around 9.5 lakh test takers for only 11,289 seats which are around 1.2 per cent of the students.   

Similar competition exists for NEET, NEET PG, IAS, Gate exams.

How do you succeed such a competition?  This is a psychological strategy beyond the subject knowledge.  You need to steer clear of the competition.  For that you need to understand how to approach the exam, this is a long term strategic way to achieve your dream destination.

Your STANCE program, a Cognitive Neuroscience based program for two year starts in the month of June.  This pure strategic mentoring program guides you to wade ahead of the competition in an unique way.  This program is based on evidence based cognitive neuroscience.

Your STANCE program, engages with you on a periodic basis using Audio Video mode to guide you on the right direction, tracks your progress and suggest changes needed.

Your STANCE program is open for the students preparing for competitive examinations, recommended duration is 2 years, but, also available for 1 year, 6 months and 3 months.

STANCE program has limited seats per session.  Why wait? Email us at and engage to start with the program for your journey towards success.

Please note that this is not a replacement for schooling / academic tuition.  STANCE complements for better results.

WhatsApp: +91 93477 63741